Hi – My name is Vincent van Vierzen. I have been working in IT since about 1999, just in time to witness the great impact of the millenium bug 🙂 After doing IT admin jobs for a large Hardware Vendor for almost 8 years I got fed up of looking at the same environment every single day. I switched to the role of Field Engineer / Consultant in a mainly storage oriented role.
During this period I got introduced to the majorty of operating systems/hypervisors besides the Windows ones that I was used to. ESX 3.5 being the most interesting of all flavours. I did some side projects on virtualization (both vSphere and Hyper-V 2008R2 at that time) and realised I wanted to focus more on virtualisation technologies.
In my function I was unable to satisfy my self-projected career path and that is where my current employer ITQ comes into play. I spoke to an old classmate and decided to go for an orienting interview. 3 months later everything was settled and I made the first “big”career move in my life. This is more than 7,5 years ago now and I did not regret the decision for a single moment.
Currently I am working as a Virtualization Consultant in the SDDC team and I do enjoy working with products from the entire stack (vSphere core layer / VMware Cloud Foundation / SDS (vSAN) / SDN (NSX) / Aria Suite and more)
With this blog i am hoping to contribute back a bit after being a consumer for the past few years. If my posts only helps a single soul, then my mission is already accomplished 🙂
Besides working I love to spend time with my Wife and 2 daughters. preferrably somewhere in a sunny mediterranean setting
Obviously opinions are my own and any scripting comes without warranty 🙂